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Emotional Release Therapy


"Restore Inner Harmony And Uncover Self Love"






One on one Emotional Release Sessions 




NOW 25% discount on your first session!




(2 hours) €200





I have studied many different treatment forms like, focusing, the Ilan Lev Method, Reiki and other forms of energy work. I also successfully completed a medical course for alternative therapists that meets CPION requirements. However what is happening in sessions these days is far beyond any tool, method or definition of any kind.


You can see me as a place of harmony in which the inherent organizing principle of life does what it needs to do for you the moment we get together in this way.


In sessions, I hold a loving space in which I reintroduce you to the energy of your own being by using touch, movement, and sound.


Even in just sitting with me and being with whatever comes up within you, your perception of yourself and life at large can drastically shift. 


You can see me as a portal through which ascension happens and evolution accelerates.


During a session you might become aware of an amplification of inner love and spaciousness or you will be in the presence of everything you held onto because you thought it wasn't safe to experience all these things. 


Either way, it is the same evolutionary momentum that will start to amplify the moment we meet. This is my role in your life and my purpose on earth. To speed up evolution, bring awareness, and re-introduce you to the energy of unconditional love. 


Every session holds the possibility for a strong integration of heightened emotions and with that the potential to start seeing yourself and life more clearly. 


Injuries, Illnesses, trauma, burnouts, and anything else you deem to be a problem in your life, can find a resolution from this place. The degree of resolution you experience and the timing of it is in accordance to your life journey. I have found that all these things are external manifestations of an inner unsafety which blocks our ability to fully receive. Each time we get together in whatever way this safety is being restored and your capacity to receive can expand. 


Most of the things you are experiencing came into being because you navigated your life from pain, fragmentation, and fear. It didn't happen consciously and it is not your fault. It is simply the energy you were born into and have adapted to because you were led to believe that this is the norm. Well, I am here to remind you that it's not. 


Once love is remembered all layers of your being can shift and match the love that you are at the deepest level. 


Whatever brought you here is not the problem but simply a part of your journey as a human being. You have what it takes to go through this from a liberated place inside and I will support you to do so. 


In the end, everything is an invitation into loving and taking care of yourself and allowing life to support you. 



'Infusing your body with the light of your being.' 

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Dorry is...well, amazing.


Not to sound too corny but her treatments changed my life in a way.


Our sessions helped me open and get unstuck. I always felt completely safe and seen by her, and she facilitates whatever needs to come out to come out. I also gained much more awareness of my body through our sessions.

A bonus point - Dorry is hilarious and just an awesome being!


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The years of psychotherapy couldn't get me to places where Dorry brought me in just one session.


She evoked what was hidden and truly has a healing touch!

Freke van Nimwegen Testimonials Dorry Aben

Entrepreneur, Coach

Dorry feels exactly what is going on inside of me, sometimes before I can feel it myself.


She helped me to release blockages and limiting believes, I feel so much lighter now... A session with Dorry is hard to describe in words, but I would say it's transformational.


Thank you Dorry!

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