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"Be empowered in yourself and your ability to meet life!" 



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These 6-week group coaching sessions help you to implement and integrate your natural state of being in all areas of life.


This is the place where we fully embody and are empowered to live from your natural state of being. Through your consistency and commitment, this state will ripple out into all areas of life.


Together we explore how to make this state actionable and how it translates to every area of life and living.



The upcoming dates in 2024 are:


 21.3.2024 -  25.4.2024

16.5.2024 - 20.6.2024

 12.9.2024 - 17.10.2024

 7.11.2024 - 12.12.2024



The costs for 6 weeks of coaching


Was €600,- ONLY €500,- incl. VAT

Live a heart centered and empowered life!


These sessions are suitable for people that have for the most part shifted out of survival and are ready to have their lives be a fueled from a place of inner completion. 


If you are very much in survival I suggest you fist show up to the daily meditations to gradually open up a space of inner safety.


In order to have a foundational ground from which my offerings can land the minimum requirement is that you have completed the Inner Shift Introduction course before the start date of the coaching group you sign up for.


For people that are doing the 3-month Inner Journey my recommendation is to join these coaching sessions while you are doing this program or after you complete it to deepen and integrate all that you uncovered in the program.


Group Coaching


Online Group Coaching happens in small groups of 8 people max. For 6-weeks we join every Thursday evening from 20:30-22.00.


The costs for 6 weeks of coaching


Was €600,- ONLY €500,- incl. VAT


The session is verbal as well as energetic.


Know that there is a big benefit in gathering with other people as everybody there represents an aspect of yourself. 



The upcoming dates in 2024 are:


 21.3.2024 -  25.4.2024

16.5.2024 - 20.6.2024

 12.9.2024 - 17.10.2024

 7.11.2024 - 12.12.2024



Emilie The Inner Shift Academy Testimonial_edited.jpg

Fashion Designer

Meeting Dorry two years ago was a life-altering experience for me. Through body movement, we first enlightened my deeper, shady inner me, and step by step, through Coaching and The Inner Shift Academy, we unraveled the layers.


I didn't fully understand it all until the day it all made perfect sense. The light she gives me with touch, words, and a sense of connection is dear to me.

Indescribably thankful for the path we've taken together."


Joost Testimonial Dorry Aben


"Dorry is a clear channel and embodies a rare and genius ability for total openness in which any perceived limitation can miraculously dissolve in pure delight."

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Entrepreneur, Coach

Dorry feels exactly what is going on inside of me, sometimes before I can feel it myself.


She helped me to release blockages and limiting believes, I feel so much lighter now... Working with Dorry is hard to describe in words, but I would say it's transformational.


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