The Ilan Lev Method (ILM) is a therapy based on touch in which we use movement and sound as our tools to communicate with the vibrational energy inside us.
The method follows the 5 nature-oriented principles and works on improving human capability, relieving aches, pains, and stress. It also helps improve functional difficulties and body-circulation.
The Ilan Lev Method works with a strong connection between body and mind. Our unresolved emotional history is strongly correlated with blockages in the physical body. Therefore the method doesn't only treat motor dysfunction and issues concerning physical disabilities but also works on a psychological dimension.
Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic aspects of human beings are all connected with each other and influence one another and this method communicates with all these layers.
In the session the client’s body is gently moved, creating a rich and thoughtful dialogue between the practitioner and the patient. Movement returns to parts of the body where communication was cut-off or stopped due to injury, pain or emotional issues. Dialogue within the whole system is restored. The session is intensive, with endless new material, and allows new knowledge to be acquired within the client.
A central idea on which the method is based is that the central nervous system, as well as serving as a monitoring system, also delivers new input from the body to the mind, directly to the subconscious in the sensory part of the brain. The logical brain is an obstacle when it comes to unknown information. The sensory part of the brain goes around this obstacle.
This direct reception evokes an unusual, deep, and intensive learning process in which the body’s natural ability to heal itself is emphasized.
The method is intuitive and playful in nature. We don’t come with the knowledge of what is supposed to happen but we ask questions and facilitate an environment in which the answers can come. It has the potential to take anyone from their current situation to a whole new level of being.
"The Ilan Lev Method comes with positive energy and a sense of joy, it can help quicker recovery from 'fresh' injuries as well as heal 'old' ones...The treatment enriched me, cured me, and inspired me."
Ohad Naharin
Batsheva Dance Company
BATC Therapist | Insurance Reimbursement
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